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Y-Bayani & Baby Naa & The Band of Enlightenment, Reason and Love - Ghana

In what Weissenfeldt describes as “born out of chance,” the earliest foundation for this brilliant new album came together back in 2012 when the label boss became interested in recording roots reggae with an old friend and fellow drummer Josie Coppola.

To quickly summarize what truly is a really fascinating story — While traveling in Ghana with these sessions, Max met Jimmy Taylor (the son of Ghanaian Highlife legend Ebo Taylor) and singer/songwriter Yusef Hussain (who later became Y-Bayani – spelled Why-Bayani). The three of them hit it off, and ended up recording Y-Bayani’s “Asembi Ara Amba” at Jimmy’s studio, which ultimately became a hit track on the Polyversal Souls’ debut album Invisible Joy. Following this success, Weissenfeldt continued to record music with Y-Bayani, backed by The Band of Enlightenment, Reason and Love. This resulted in producing three breakthrough singles including “Rehwe Mie Enyim” in 2018, featuring Max’s friend and local church singer Naomi Addy. This addition was became the final piece of the puzzle, resulting in, what now is, the nine-track album Nsie Nsie.